Monday, March 9, 2009

Timeshare 5 STAR THERMAL hotel

"While receiving the health benefits in this resort, you would have an investment that would bring  high income"

The 10-day timeshare sale of 5 STAR THERMAL hotel RESORT in one of the nice town of Afyon city in Turkey has started.

The health benefits and mineral  richness of the resort has been certified as the highest degree by the World Health Organization (WHO).

"While receiving the health benefits in this resort, you would have an investment that would bring  high income".

Our resort is a five star complex that includes 83m2 rooms, a private pool for each room; each room has LCVD TV, unlimited internet access, refrigerator, and kitchen equipment that one would need.

In addition, daily tours to historical places that resembles an open air museum would bring you the pleasure and joy of a holiday resort.

Among many others, the following health conditions are successfully treated in this thermal resort.

- Treatment of dermatological health conditions,

- Renal calculus, kidney stone,

- Hepatic health conditions,

- Rheumatical health conditions,

- Gall bladder conditions,

- Urethra conditions,

- Gynaecological health conditions,

- Arthritis,

- Gastro spasm,

- Intestinal disorders,

- Bronchitis and treatment of respiratory tract conditions

It has been proved by the expert investigations that the mud in the area of thermal resort has a beneficial effect on cellulite and many other skin conditions .

The payment for the 10-day timeshare price is: 4,300 USD

Instalment price: 780 USD in advance;
first year 115 USD per month;
second year 125 USD per month;
third year 135 USD per month =
total 5.280 USD.

These prices are applicable until April 15, 2009.

Please contact us for details of the timeshare sale of this modern resort.

Åžaban Karabeli

Phone: +90 - 212 269 21 01
GSM: +90 - 506 801 63 97


Hem Sağlık Hem de Yatırım
 Dünya SaÄŸlık Örgütü tarafından mineral yoÄŸunluÄŸu ve saÄŸlık açısından faydaları en yüksek derecede bulunan  Türkiye Afyon ilinin güzel bir beldesinde yapılan 5 YILDIZLI TERMAL TESÄ°S  10 günlük devremülk ÅŸeklinde satışı baÅŸlamıştır.

Sağlığınız açısından çok faydalı olmasının yanında yüksek gelir getirecek bir yatırımınız olacaktır.

Tesisimiz 83m2 odalar, içinde her birinin özel havuzları, LCVD TV den sınırsız internet sağlayıcısına kadar tüm konfor sağlanmış, buzdolabı, mutfak malzemeleriyla ihtiyaç duyulabilecek her şeyi içinde barındıran bir 5 YILDIZLI komplextir.

Aynı zamanda tarihi güzellikleriylede açık hava müzesini andıran bölge gün içinde turlarla kayfinize keyif katacaktır.

Faydaları saymakla bitmeyen bu modern termal tesisde başlıca şu hastalıkların tedavisi başarıyla yapılmaktadır:
- Cilt Hastalıkları tedavisi,
- Böbrek Taşı tedavisi,
- Karaciğer Hastalıklarının tedavisi,
- Romatizmal Rahatsızlıkların tedavisi,
- Safra Kesesi tedavisi,
- İdrar Yolları tedavisi,
- Kadın Hastalıkları tedavisi,
- Kireçlenme tedavisi,
- Mide Spazmları tedavisi,
- Bağırsak Bozuklukları tedavisi,
- Kronik bronşit ve Solunum Yolları hastalıkları tedavisi.

Uzmanlar tarafından yapılan araştırmalar sonunda Termal Suyun bulunduğu bölgedeki çamurun selülite ve özellikle cilt rahatsızlıklarına oldukça faydalı olduğu kanıtlanmıştır.

Peşin fiyatı: 7.750 TL

Taksitli fiyatı 1.400 TL peşin kalan bakiye

1.       Sene 200 TL

2.       Sene 225 TL

3.       Sene 250 TL
Toplam 9.500 TL olarak belirlenmiÅŸtir.

15 Nisan'a kadar olan bu kampanyadan tüm ihtiyaç sahiplerinin faydalanmasını dileriz.

Bu modern tesisin devremülk şeklinde satışı ile ilgili detaylı bilgi için bizimle bağlantıya geçiniz.

Åžaban Karabeli

Telefon: +90 - 212 269 21 01
GSM: +90 - 506 801 63 97

"Sağlığı Olanın Umudu, Umudu Olanın Her Şeyi Var Demektir."

Timeshare Modern THERMAL RESORT

"Besides the benefits for your health, you will have an investment wth high income"

The 10-day timeshare selling of the 5 STAR THERMAL RESORT in a nice town of the city Afyon of Turkey has started The health benefits and mineral richness of the resort is certified as the highest degree by the World Health Organization (WHO).

"Besides the benefits for your health, you will have an investment wth high income".

Our resort is a five start complex that includes 83 m2 rooms, a private pool for each room, comfort from LCVD TV to unlimited internet connection, refrigerator, and kitchen utensils.

Besides, the daily tours to historical places that remind an open air museum will bring you the pleasure and joy of a holiday resort.

The following diseases are successfully treated, among many others, in the this thermal resort.
- Treatment of dermatological diseases,
- Renal calculus, kidney stone,
- Hepatic diseases,
- Rheumatical diseases,
- Gall bladder diseases,
- Urethra diseases,
- Gynecological diseases,
- Arthritis,
- Gastrospasm,
- Intestinal disorders,
- Bronchitis and treatment of respiratory tract diseases

After the investigation of experts, it has been proved that the mud in the area of thermal resort has a benefical effect on cellulite and dermatological diseases.

The payment for the 10-day timeshare selling is 4.300 USD
Instalment sell: 780 USD in advance,
first year 115 USD/month,
second year 125 USD/month,
third year 135 USD/month.
Total 5.280 USD.

Prices are applicable until April 15, 2009.

Please contact us for details of the timeshare selling of this modern resort.

Þaban Karabeli

Phone: +90 - 212 269 21 01
GSM: +90 - 506 801 63 97

Hem Saðlýk Hem de Yatýrým
 Dünya Saðlýk Örgütü tarafýndan mineral yoðunluðu ve saðlýk açýsýndan faydalarý en yüksek derecede bulunan  Türkiye Afyon ilinin güzel bir beldesinde yapýlan 5 YILDIZLI TERMAL TESÝS  10 günlük devremülk þeklinde satýþý baþlamýþtýr.

Saðlýðýnýz açýsýndan çok faydalý olmasýnýn yanýnda yüksek gelir getirecek bir yatýrýmýnýz olacaktýr.

Tesisimiz 83m2 odalar, içinde her birinin özel havuzlarý, LCVD TV den sýnýrsýz internet saðlayýcýsýna kadar tüm konfor saðlanmýþ, buzdolabý, mutfak malzemeleriyla ihtiyaç duyulabilecek her þeyi içinde barýndýran bir 5 YILDIZLI komplextir.

Ayný zamanda tarihi güzellikleriylede açýk hava müzesini andýran bölge gün içinde turlarla kayfinize keyif katacaktýr.

Faydalarý saymakla bitmeyen bu modern termal tesisde baþlýca þu hastalýklarýn tedavisi baþarýyla yapýlmaktadýr:
- Cilt Hastalýklarý tedavisi,
- Böbrek Taþý tedavisi,
- Karaciðer Hastalýklarýnýn tedavisi,
- Romatizmal Rahatsýzlýklarýn tedavisi,
- Safra Kesesi tedavisi,
- Ýdrar Yollarý tedavisi,
- Kadýn Hastalýklarý tedavisi,
- Kireçlenme tedavisi,
- Mide Spazmlarý tedavisi,
- Baðýrsak Bozukluklarý tedavisi,
- Kronik bronþit ve Solunum Yollarý hastalýklarý tedavisi.

Uzmanlar tarafýndan yapýlan araþtýrmalar sonunda Termal Suyun bulunduðu bölgedeki çamurun selülite ve özellikle cilt rahatsýzlýklarýna oldukça faydalý olduðu kanýtlanmýþtýr.

Peþin fiyatý: 7.750 TL

Taksitli fiyatý 1.400 TL peþin kalan bakiye

1.       Sene 200 TL

2.       Sene 225 TL

3.       Sene 250 TL
Toplam 9.500 TL olarak belirlenmiþtir.

15 Nisan'a kadar olan bu kampanyadan tüm ihtiyaç sahiplerinin faydalanmasýný dileriz.

Bu modern tesisin devremülk þeklinde satýþý ile ilgili detaylý bilgi için bizimle baðlantýya geçiniz.

Þaban Karabeli

Telefon: +90 - 212 269 21 01
GSM: +90 - 506 801 63 97

"Saðlýðý Olanýn Umudu, Umudu Olanýn Her Þeyi Var Demektir."

California Fire News - Updates in your mail box

California Fire News - Updates in your mail box

Link to California Fire News - Structure, Wildland, EMS

Los Angeles: ALF makes online terrorist arson threat

Posted: 08 Mar 2009 09:53 PM PDT

Molotov cocktails anyone? Terrorism? The Animal Liberation Front brazenly makes a terrorist arson threat against Los Angeles mayors sisters home!
Here is the online threat at a blog called Social Rupture with a artsy Molotov cocktail in the blog logo...
Lets hope the FBI gets this terrorist blogger in the next few days. Before innocent citizens or a firefighter gets hurt.
" Recently we paid a visit to the sister of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. The Mayor refuses to hire a new manager to stop the carnage of animals in our city of angels. Paint bottles were used to redcorate his sister's porch and driveway. We hope the red paint serves as a reminder to the blood on her family's hands. Be warned, next time we throw bottles, they'll be filled with gasoline. ALF

Screen shot:
If you have any information on this crime or any Criminal, Terrorist activity please contact the FBI Online tip sheet FBI Tips & Public Leads
Please use this website to report suspected terrorism or criminal activity. Your information will be reviewed promptly by an FBI special agent or a professional staff member.

Youths' idea to spot Sierra fires will get global attention

Posted: 08 Mar 2009 09:55 PM PDT

Published: Sunday, Mar. 8, 2009 - 2:00 am | Page 1B

Like many children in the Sierra foothills, Faith and Drew Oakes felt cheated by all the wildfires last summer.

The unheathful pall of dense smoke kept them indoors for weeks on end, when they otherwise would have been playing soccer and tennis.

Not long after the skies cleared, Faith, Drew and four other children from the Interstate 80 corridor communities of Newcastle, Auburn and Meadow Vista hatched a champion idea to help firefighters snuff out blazes before they smoke out communities. And the reward for ingenuity should more than make up for the children's lost summer of 2008.

The group has been selected out of 13,000 youth teams from 40 countries to present their innovation at an upcoming Children's Climate Call conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. They will compete against five similar youth teams worldwide for the chance to make their project a reality.

Locally, the team has presented its project to officials with the state Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the U.S. Forest Service and – on Saturday – the California Licensed Foresters Association, at its annual conference in Sacramento.

The children's idea is to post solar-powered video cameras linked to the Internet above the tree lines around the Tahoe National Forest.

They also would make available a free screensaver for computer monitors that would rotate multiple real-time views of the forest.

"While you are looking at these pretty photos, you're also being a set of eyes for a possible fire," Alejandro Vega, 12, explained Saturday to the foresters, who were all smiles and applause.

Any number of people on the Internet would become virtual fire lookouts, vastly supplementing the few volunteers who staff the three actual lookout towers in the Tahoe forest.

"It really can be anyone, and that's what we find special and innovative about our idea," said Faith Oakes, 13.

The screensaver idea borrows from one developed by University of California, Berkeley, scientists who needed more computer power than they could possibly afford to pick up a wide array of radio frequencies from outer space – in search of extraterrestial life.

They mustered the extra power by enlisting thousands willing to let the scientists remotely tap into their personal laptops or desktops when they are not in use.

"We took the idea and twisted it," Faith said.

The children, all home-schooled, call their team the "Lego Guards," after the toy company that co-sponsors the annual problem-solving challenge. Schoolchildren compete in small teams to develop an innovative solution to a real-world problem – this year, climate change.

Guided by Heidi Buck, an artist and instructor with the Placer County Office of Education, the Lego Guards initially focused on the decline of the Sierra snowpack – source of more than half of California's freshwater.

Then it occurred to them that global warming is likely stoking a more immediate threat on the state's environment, particularly in their pine and oak woodlands communities.

"We realized how big an impact the smoke was having on us," Faith said.

"We really did have to spend two months indoors," she recalled of the siege of Sierra forest fires last June and July. "We missed out on a lot of activity."

As the climate warms, the forests become drier, the fire season stretches longer and fires become hotter and more destructive, many fire scientists say.

The children figure early fire detection can help minimize the damage and smoke.

"The sooner firefighters get there, the easier it is to control the fire," Bobby Huckins, 12, told the foresters, who have been preaching that message for years.

Other members of the Lego Guards are Andrew Wood, 12, and Aydan Potts, 11.

The Lego Guards may have a jump on the topic designated for next year's global competition – transportation. They have to find a way to raise $12,000 to finance the team's four-day trip to Denmark in early May.

They are asking potential sponsors to visit their Web site,

Source: Sacramento Bee

Editor's note: Great job, kids! Watch the video the kids have done...

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Earthquake 3.1 M - Central California, King City, Pinnacles

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 12:22 AM PDT

Earthquake Details

Location36.405°N, 120.935°W
Depth7.9 km (4.9 miles)
  • 23 km (14 miles) SE (127°) from Pinnacles, CA
  • 23 km (15 miles) W (267°) from New Idria, CA
  • 28 km (17 miles) NE (39°) from King City, CA
  • 64 km (40 miles) SE (140°) from Hollister, CA
  • 134 km (84 miles) SE (140°) from San Jose City Hall, CA
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 0.2 km (0.1 miles); depth +/- 0.6 km (0.4 miles)
ParametersNST=134, Nph=134, Dmin=8 km, Rmss=0.13 sec, Gp= 65°,
M-type=local magnitude (ML), Version=2
Event IDnc40232914

Earthquake 3.5 M - Bay Area California, Milpitas

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 12:23 AM PDT

Earthquake Details

Location37.471°N, 121.805°W
Depth8.4 km (5.2 miles)
  • 9 km (6 miles) ENE (63°) from Milpitas, CA
  • 12 km (7 miles) N (9°) from Alum Rock, CA
  • 17 km (10 miles) NNE (28°) from San Jose City Hall, CA
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 0.1 km (0.1 miles); depth +/- 0.3 km (0.2 miles)
ParametersNST=181, Nph=181, Dmin=2 km, Rmss=0.07 sec, Gp= 29°,
M-type=local magnitude (ML), Version=2
Event IDnc40232887

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